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Saturday, March 10, 2012

beforemario turns one year

I just noticed that the one-year mark of this blog passed a couple of weeks ago. The first blog post was about the Nintendo Light-beam games Kousenjuu SP and Kousenjuu Custom (光線銃SP, 光線銃 カスツム). Over 75 posts followed since, covering over 150 different Nintendo games and toys!

Many readers provided encouragement and positive feedback, and I enjoyed spreading the knowledge about Nintendo's illustrious past.

What better way to celebrate the anniversary and to thank all you readers with another look at the Kousenjuu series. Below images are taken from a couple of Nintendo Leaflets from around 1974. They show the full series, except for the Jumping Bottle target and Custom Lion and Custom Gunman.

I am far from done, so here's to the second year!

Kousenjuu SP Gun

Kousenjuu SP Rifle

Kousenjuu SP Electro Roulette

Kousenjuu SP Electro Lion

Kousenjuu SP Electro Safari

Kousenjuu SP Electro Bird

Kousenjuu SP Electro Poker

Kousenjuu Custom Lever Action Riffle

Kousenjuu Custom Target

Some more posts on the Nintendo Kousenjuu series:


  1. Hi Erik, thanks for taking the time and effort to produce this wonderful blog. It is great to not only get a look at some of Nintendos early products, but to also read a bit of each items background, design and method of use/play. I am looking forward to seeing and reading more about your fantastic collection. I can only hope that one day my collection will be as good.

  2. Hi Simon.

    Thanks! It is good to hear the work is appreciated.

    Good luck with your collection, and remember all collections grow step by step. I also started with just a few items. I took a while before I even called it a collection.


  3. Congratulations on the first year, I hope year 2 is just as good!

  4. Thanks Sean. Year #2 started well, with a guest post on Kotaku!

  5. really cool pic cool to see the BB guns

