In this post we will take a look at the building of a Nintendo N&B Block (任天堂ブロック) set.
If you don't know what N&B Block is, check out this introduction.
The set we are putting together is called "Garden House" (ガーデンハウス). This was one of the smaller N&B Block sets.
It dates from 1968 and has model number NB 980-G. This model number also identifies the list price at the time: 980 yen. This translates to around 3,500 yen in today's money.
When I found this particular set, it was so-called "new old stock"; the blocks were still shrink-wrapped.
Today these blocks will be liberated from underneath the plastic film, after almost fifty-five years of waiting.
A single folded sheet with assembly instructions (組み立て方説明書) is included. It is printed one-sided, in colour.
When unfolded, the instructions measure around 38 by 54 centimeters.
The text in the top right corner states:
Assemble in order, while looking at the completed drawing.
Various other things can be assembled with these parts. Let's assemble your own things.
There are many other sets in the Nintendo (N&B) block [range].
A table is provided that lists all included parts, with their colour (red, white, blue, yellow or green) and part count.
The total number of parts for this set is 179.
Nintendo must have had a good quality control back then (like they do now), as all listed parts are present. There are no spare parts.